#ISSS2016 Boulder has ended
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Len Troncale

California State Polytechnic University
SIG Chair: Systems Biology and Evolution, SIG Chair: Systems Pathology
SIG Chair: Joint Session(s): Systems Pathology and Systems Biology & Evolution (see below for information)

Dr. Len Troncale is Professor Emeritus of Cell and Molecular Biology, and past Chairman of the Biology Department at California State Polytechnic University. He is also Director of the Institute for Advanced Systems Studies, and Coordinator of its NSF-supported Systems Integrated Science General Education Program. He has served as VP and Managing Director of the International Society for General Systems Research (SGSR), and President of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS). Dr. Troncale has published 87 articles, abstracts, editorials and reports, served as Editor on 11 projects, delivered 115 invited and computerized presentations and demonstrations in 23 countries and served as P.I. on 52 grants and contracts for $5.3M from a variety of federal, state, and private organizations such as the NSF, DOE, ONR, HUD, the HHMI and the Keck Foundation, as well as the CSU System.

SIG Chair: Joint Session(s): Systems Pathology and Systems Biology & Evolution

The Systems Pathology and the Systems Biology/Systems Evolution SIG’s will conduct joint meeting sessions at the 61st Annual ISSS Conference. The ISSS administration and Council has long encouraged joint SIG meetings to achieve a more unified GST & SS. A special event of importance will occur at these joint sessions: the foundation of a new professional society, named ISSP, the International Society for Systems Pathology.The Systems Pathology and the Systems Biology/Systems Evolution SIG’s will conduct joint meeting sessions at the 61st Annual ISSS Conference. The ISSS administration and Council has long encouraged joint SIG meetings to achieve a more unified GST & SS.A special event of importance will occur at these joint sessions: the foundation of a new professional society, named ISSP,the International Society for Systems Pathology. Draft ISSP By-Laws, articles of incorporation, Manifesto, and membership benefit descriptions were already presented in January at the INCOSE Int’l Workshop meetings in California. The first two meetings of the ISSP Initiating Council have occurred resulting in a three-year “test” period for attracting initial members (2017 to 2020). Any person joining during that period will be permanently recorded as an ISSP Founding Member. An open evening business session for the ISSP Council & prospective members will be scheduled.Papers on the following Joint SIG topics are welcome & will be clustered into like coverage: Systems Pathology as Systems Biology; Systems Pathology as Systems Science; History of Systems Pathology; Types of Systems Pathologies; Integrated Taxonomies of Systems Pathologies; Existing Domains of Systems Pathology: Comparisons; Estimating Costs of Systems Dysfunctions; Systems Pathologies of Human Systems; Systems Pathologies of Natural Systems; Defining a Healthy System: Markers of Dysfunction; Systems Pathology as a New Specialty or Discipline; Role of Systems Pathology in General Theories of Systems; Strengths, Weaknesses of Using Medical Science as a Model for SysPath; How Studying Systems Dysfunctions Contributes to Understanding Healthy Systems; Identifying and Naming Systems Pathologies: Toward a Unified Terminology; Systems Pathologies of Hybrid Natural/Human Systems; Systems Pathology Case Studies; Systems Pathology & Sustainability; Systems Pathology & Medical Pathology; Systems Pathology & Systems Engineering; Systems Pathology in Law, Legislation, & Public Policy; Limitations & Caveats on Systems Pathology; The Evolution & Consequences of Pleiotropy/Pleioetiology; Case Studies of Treatment of Common Systems Dysfunctions; Enzymopathies as Systems Pathology; Systems Pathology Symptomology, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Etiology; Pathologies of Cellular Molecular Machines or Organelles (e.g. laminopathies, taupathies, mitochondrial diseases such as myopathies, etc.). Other topics can be proposed by mailing the SIG chair. Researchers and consultants in the fields of medical pathology, systems engineering, sustainability studies, systems thinking, systems design, & systems science are especially invited to participate in this new and promising field of study.Format: Presentation: 20 mins; Q&A: Discussion: 10 minsKeywords: systems biology, systems pathology, systems science, general system theory (GST), systems evolution